Homelessness Week Events Help Raise Awareness.

Homelessness Week last week was massive, our events went really well and we were so pleased to see our communities supporting these events in Horsham, Stawell and Ararat, chatting with the staff from the organisations involved and looking to see real change around homelessness in this state. Thank you for supporting our events and showing yet again how awesome our local communities are.
Thanks to our event partners: Uniting Vic.Tas, The Salvation Army Horsham Australia, Winteringham & Stawell Neighbourhood House for your support and giving up time to be part of the events.
Massive thanks as well to the local Woolworths stores in the three towns who were tremendous supporters of each event and the Ararat and Stawell police for their support as well as the uteload of wood that the Stawell police donated to be raffled off at the Stawell event.