Referrals are required through Justice Service Centres. Health professionals and family members who believe someone may benefit from the support of FMHiCH are invited to get in contact with GCH for more information. Alternatively, they could suggest they discuss the program with their Justice worker.
The program is delivered in partnership with Ballarat Community Health (BCH) and Ballarat and District Aboriginal Co Operative (BDAC) and covers Central Highlands, Grampians, Pyrenees and Wimmera regions.
The multidisciplinary team consists of a GP, nurse, social worker, peer worker and psychologist to ensure the client receives holistic support.
Call 5358 7400 and ask to speak to the Forensic Mental Health Nurse
Pyrenees, Grampians and Wimmera regions.
People are eligible if they have a mental illness and on a Community Corrections Order or parole.
Referrals are required from Justice Service Centres.